Going on seven years, Precise Audio Visual is a family owned company that caters to all of your audio, visual, projection, lighting and event technology needs. We are proud to serve companies, organizations and individuals requiring event technology services throughout the United States, and especially in the midwest.

We will happily manage all of your event technology needs and we will do so within your budget. We won’t turn down any event!

Take a few minutes to request a quote or to call one of our event technology specialists and we will be happy to work with you to ensure all of your event technology needs are taken care of professionally and efficiently. We utilize only state of the art equipment to ensure that your event is flawless and successful.

We look forward to working with you to make your event a success!


Do you want to wow your audience? Lighting is a very simple way to add life to any event! From...
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  Projection can make or break an event. The quality of projection in your event can attract or lose the...
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  The focal point of every event is the stage. We can help design and create your dream stage, full...
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Truss is the skeleton of a beautiful stage, beautiful lighting and an appealing event. This is a very versatile piece...
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 From small private gatherings, to large venue events, Precise Audio Visual has the experience and knowledge to ensure that your event will...
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  Videography, photography, iMag, video processing, editing and live video production and streaming are just some of the services we...
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